Step 2 of safeguardingDEVELOPING THE POLICIES

A) Establish a zero-tolerance approach in the systematic fight against violence towards youth in sport. This includes all the steps, which is the educational component, the actual behavior, the techniques of coaches. It is a mindset that at no moment, at no cost, regardless of who is the abuser, there will be actions taken towards them and legally followed by the institutions. Zero tolerance approach means, to not tolerate even family members who are abusive with young people and report them. This message should be delivered to all members of the sports club.

B) Develop your safeguarding policy and protection steps, by consulting with young people, parents, coaches and other members of the club. The steps should be developed after the evaluation of the internal situation. Firstly, develop a general document of the policy, with steps, people in charge and timeline of the implementation of the policy. At the same time an important part is the development of all the forms which a club should have, such as code of conduct for young people, coaches, parents, volunteers, media consent form and steps to protect their privacy. This manual is providing you with A) Annex 1- Media consent template; B) Annex 2- Code of conduct for coaches; C) Annex 3 – Code of conduct for young people; D) Annex 4- Code of conduct for parents; E) Annex 5-General Code of conduct (for workers or board members).

These are templates that are designed based on the best practices and principles of safeguarding, so once you have used these templates the next step is the organize meetings with different target groups (ex. parents, young people etc.) to present these templates and ask them to sign these templates if they agree to commit to these values. The steps are to instruct each individual part of the club of their responsibilities and what type of actions they should follow at different scenarios. At this step, the club should also decide on the disciplinary measures to follow for the potential abusers, as well as the treatment for the victims. The disciplinary actions can be for example to fire the coach and report to the institutions if identified as an abuser.

C) Create an action plan on how to implement the safeguarding- It should serve for the person in charge of this process to evaluate each step of the implementation as well as evaluate how the success is achieved. This action plan can be developed by the working group, a head-coach, manager, board member, or it is possible by the person in charge (protection officer). The action plan is basically a to-do list, on weekly or monthly bases, with deadlines in implementing the actions or reporting about them.

D) Establish mechanisms for reporting violence through internal procedures of sport clubs- The first step is to have the internal forms, steps, and procedures of how it will be reported for any case of abuse and violence. This manual is providing the template Annex 6- Reporting a case of abuse/violence. Second step should be to organize meetings and training to inform all members of the club, in order for them to understand how to take note, how to take proofs and how to protect the victims, before reporting the cases. It should be clearly stated who is the person or the group that the victims can approach, in the club. The last step should be the connection with the institution who are legally responsible for the implementation of laws in North Macedonia and in Serbia, where a partnership is built with them specifically for the cases of violence happening in sports towards young people.

E) Appoint a protection officer who will be in charge of implementing the safeguarding and protection policies and ensuring a safe environment for all at their clubs. There should be a clear memo of the responsibilities, duties and timeline for the appointed officer. HIS/HER name should be known for all members, young people, parents, volunteers and coaches. This manual is providing a template – Annex 7- Example of duties and responsibilities of safeguarding/protection officer.